Beauty Tips That Will Also Improve Your Health

Treat yourself right, from the inside out. Here are eight beauty habits that will also boost your health.

healthy beauty tips_woman drinking water

Drink less alcohol (and more water)

Dr. Stephen Mulholland, a plastic surgeon in Toronto, says excessive alcohol consumption-more than one or two drinks a day-puts strain on the liver. This can result in dilated pores, dilated and broken capillaries, as well as the overgrowth of sweat and oil glands.

Unfortunately, this occurs most often in the face (particularly the nose), though other areas of the skin are vulnerable, too. But he still believes in the health benefits of red wine, and says one glass a day will not harm the skin-unless you suffer from rosacea. A survey by the National Rosacea Society in the U.S. found that 76 percent of sufferers cited red wine as a trigger for flare-ups.

woman who works out

Exercise regularly

Exercise definitely gives you more energy and keeps you in shape. But new research from McMaster University suggests that endurance exercise might help fight, and even reverse, the signs of aging, such as balding, grey hair, and thinning skin.

Endurance exercise is aerobic activity such as brisk walking, running, or cycling-that improves cardio-respiratory fitness, according to the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology. The longer you can do aerobic exercise, the more endurance you have.

In the McMaster study, lead researcher Dr. Mark Tarnopolsky had mice with physical characteristics comparable to a middle-aged person do 45-minute runs three times a week. Their skin became tighter, and their fur grew back and stopped turning grey

woman removing makeup

Remove your makeup before bed

By not cleansing before bed, you’re leaving your pores clogged with leftover makeup and sweat, says Manuela Marcheggiani, a cosmetic chemist and co-founder of Canada’s Isomers (Skin Care) Lab­oratories.

The result: dull, breakout-prone skin. Leaving on your eye makeup could even cause eye irritation and broken lashes.

On nights when you’re too tired, use pre-saturated cleaning cloths before you crash.

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